And what’s been on my mind for two days is the slow realisation of what is missing from my coming out intro to my blog "god gave me a brain it'd be rude if me not to use it". And it’s still hard to type. How come it’s easier to write the words "naming the sexual and professional abuse" than typing "naming the layer of domestic violence in lesbian relationships"? Oh my, there is it, I said it. wait...... no the sky hasn’t fallen... wait, hold on, no that was the cat jumping off the table, phew. A old hangover from the 90s where we didn’t dare name "it" in case straight communities used it as more homophobic ammunition and if you mentioned it in our communities, it was denied as just not possible between women. Well sorry to shock everyone. It happened to me. And it happens to others. It happens in human relationships when one hasn’t worked things out for themselves. Abuse is abuse is abuse. Whether it’s in individual relationships, towards animals or institutional violence, or wars. The same factors drive it. And if we don’t name it, then how can we stop it?!